Due to high demand, please check your tank and order when it reaches 1/3 full.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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    • I have requested a temporary password, but I have not received it.
      You may need to check your bulk/spam mail bin. Also, be sure to enter your registered email address when submitting the password reset request.
    • How can I pay for my order?
      For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover credit/debit cards.
    • When should I order?
      Due to high demand, we recommend you order when your tank is 1/2 full. That way, it will give plenty of time for us to deliver to your home.
    • When will I receive my delivery?

      When placing your order you will be notified of the projected delivery date.

      *Note – Delivery Standard is based on the projected Winter Delivery Schedule. The delivery schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather, vehicle maintenance, and/or other circumstances beyond our control. You can check the expected delivery date for your order by logging into your account and clicking on the order history tab.

    • What is the current price?
      If you are not a registered user, from our home page, click on "Price Quote". If you are already a registered user please log into your account and click on "Price Quote or Order Fuel"
    • When will I be charged for my delivery?
      Your credit or debit card is charged when you place your order. If you order a "fill," your card will be charged for your total tank capacity. Once delivery is made, your credit or debit card account is credited for any gallons that do not fit in your tank. If you order a specific number of gallons (Example: 200 gallons) your credit or debit card will be charged for the amount of your order. Once delivery is made, your account is credited for any gallons that do not fit in your tank. Either way, you only pay for the number of gallons that you receive.
    • Are there other Fees?
      Our pricing schedule contains volume discounts, so larger deliveries receive lower prices. If your tank takes a smaller quantity than you ordered, your price per gallon may be higher. If you receive a delivery of less than 100 gallons, you will be charged a $75 minimum delivery fee, in addition to the price per gallon. Applicable taxes will be charged, as appropriate. Use Price Quote to determine your actual volume discounts.
    • If the price goes up before I receive my delivery, do I pay the higher price?
      Once you place your order your price is guaranteed for the quantity ordered.
    • Can I get an emergency delivery?
      Yes, in some areas. If you are out of oil or almost out of oil you can select "emergency delivery" service when placing your order. Emergency delivery fees are $250 and must be submitted before 11 am to get the oil delivered with same day service.
    • I am out of oil and have no heat. What can I do?

      Please read this section carefully to keep your family safe and secure:

      1. Make sure that all doors, windows, and other openings are securely closed to retain as much heat as possible until your heating oil delivery is made.
      2. If you have a supplemental source of heat (wood stove, fireplace, space heater, etc.) you can use that to maintain the heat in your home. Be sure to operate these appliances safely and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
      3. Make sure you are actually out of oil as your no-heat situation could be due to another problem. For example, it is possible that there is a blockage somewhere in your fuel line between your tank and your oil burner. In systems that are not regularly maintained, it is common for a blockage to occur in the filter, the strainer or the nozzle. Other problems can also occur that will cause your oil burner to operate improperly. If you have oil, but are not getting heat, contact a local heating contractor as soon as possible.
      4. Place an order for delivery ASAP and select emergency delivery service, where available.
      5. If you have already placed an order, check online for your order status to determine when your delivery will be made.
      6. If you are out of oil, you can add kerosene or diesel fuel to your heating oil tank until your heating oil delivery arrives. Either kerosene or diesel fuel can be purchased at many local gas stations. While these fuels are more expensive than heating oil, both will burn safely in your heating oil burner. Usually, 5 or 10 gallons will last for a day or two, depending upon the temperature and the size of your home.
    • What is a "Prime & Start"?
      If you have run out of oil, you likely need a Prime & Start to get the air out of your fuel line so that your burner can re-light. We have technicians available to do "Prime & Starts". You will need to order this service on-line at the time you place your order and will also need to be home to give access to your boiler or furnace. If "Prime & Start" service is not available in your area, you should simply contact a local heating contractor and schedule a service call.
    • Do I need to be home when my delivery is made?
      Not usually, as long as the driver has ready access to the fill of your fuel tank. In some jurisdictions, it is necessary for the dealer to inspect the condition of your heating oil tank on the first delivery only. If this applies in your area, and you have a basement or other inside tank, the dealer will contact you before your first delivery to make arrangements to do your "first delivery inspection". There is no cost for this one-time inspection.
    • What if my tank will not take all the gallons I ordered?
      No problem. Your credit or debit card will be credited for any gallons you do not receive. You only pay for the number of gallons you actually receive. *Additional charges may apply if the actual gallons are below the minimum.
    • Why did I not receive all the gallons I ordered?
      Normally this is because your tank could not hold all the gallons you ordered. All heating oil tanks have a "usable capacity" which is less than the actual capacity. For example, a 275-gallon tank has a usable capacity of about 256 gallons. The remaining space is required during the filling process to avoid accidental spills as well as allowing for the expansion of the fuel as it warms. During the filling process, the driver listens to your "fill alarm" which tells the driver when your tank is filled to its usable capacity. For safety and to avoid environmental contamination, your driver must stop pumping oil when the vent alarm indicates your tank to be full.
    • How do I know my credit card data and my personal data are secure?
      Our SSL certificate is your assurance of data safety and security. Our website meets or exceeds all security standards for processing credit and debit cards and storing personal data. We maintain PCI compliance, which is the credit card industry's ongoing evaluation and acceptance of our credit card processing standards. Our data entry process is done using secure servers and all data is stored encrypted for your security. No credit card data is stored on our computers or in our database. All credit and debit card information is passed to the credit card processors, via our credit card gateway, which is the standard for credit card security.
    • What does "normal weather and operational conditions" mean?

      It is unusual for us to experience abnormal weather and operational conditions. As soon as we become aware of such conditions, we will alert you on the site prior to placing your order.

      Normal weather refers to typical weather conditions expected for that time of the year. Unusual weather conditions that could cause delivery delays can include:

      • The inability for trucks to enter driveways or parking lots, typically due to snow and ice.
      • Poor road conditions caused by rain, snow, wind, ice, sleet, etc.
      • Weather conditions that slow deliveries such as snow, ice, wind, and temperatures.
      • Below average winter temperatures over several days which may occasionally cause an unusual increase in demand in a short period of time.

      Normal operational conditions refer to the typical availability of supplies and equipment required to respond to a normal number of deliveries. Unusual operational conditions that could cause a delivery delay can include:

      • Limited availability of fuel, or other supplies, that could be caused by circumstances such as terminal closures or restricted access, unavailability of fuel at terminals, other situations that cause delays in securing fuel or other supplies.
      • Mechanical breakdowns or malfunctions that limit the ability for a company to perform their normal functions.
      • Labor actions, such as work stoppages, work slowdowns or strikes, that negatively impact the ability for a company to conduct their normal business activity.
    • I forgot my password. What do I do?
      It’s easy. Just click on the "Forgot Your Password" link and enter your registered email address to receive a self-service password reset via email. If you need assistance feel free to email us at info@myeasyoil.com.
    • Why can’t I cancel my order?
      For safety reasons we are unable to allow order cancellations. Once an order is placed, our automated system immediately dispatches your order and it may already be on a delivery vehicle on its way to your home or business. Consequently, we are unable to cancel your order and avoid the risk that delivery will not be attempted. In the event that your tank has been filled by another company, and our dealer attempts a delivery, it could result in an accidental oil spill or release on your property. If you have accidentally placed a duplicate order, please contact us ASAP at info@myeasyoil.com.